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Diverse Hersteller Hitachi AH400


New member
Here is my 40T articulated dumper from Fumotec.
Bell 40D and Hitachi AH400 are the same, it is only the colours. My colours are almost as the Hitachi I have found pictures off.

Right now I am building railings and mirrorholders. It is my first attempt with messing.

Hello Thomas,

your Hitachi AH400 looks good and the paint is beautiful.
have you had driven it or are you waiting until the model is finished?
look forward to more pictures.
Hello Thomas,

in your video with the name Testdrive
i can see that your dumper has a lot of power and is in the terrain very mobile.
I think you have a lot of fun when you drive with your dumper:ok.
Thank you for the insight what your model can and what is the weight of your model?
The weight is 15 kg.

Now with complete mirrors and airfilter.


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