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Joes Dumper auf King Hauler Basis

Thank you Lorenz. You're welcome to come anytime. Yes, much fun outside these days. I spent a few hours last evening plowing roads around the inside of the shed with my dozer so my KH with it's smooth tread will travel better loaded or empty. There's lots of dirt work to do inside shed to make everything level. :)

Cheers, Joe
hi joe,

it would be nice if you could take some pics of your road system and your working equippment.
Hello Lorenz,

I tried to take some pictures of road system inside of shed, but it's too dark in there to see anything. Not much to see anyway. The dozer does a nice job of leveling & packing as it goes, making the surface good for the KH trk to travel. I've got find some tread to run on this trk.

I've been trying to find materials for a rotary screener so I can sift out fine sand from pit run. As soon as I can find a fine mesh cylindrical screen with a 100mm diameter & 250mm length, I will begin construction. The larger rocks that travel the length of cylinder will fall out into a belt conveyor to be piled & the screenings fall below into another belt conveyor to be piled seperately. Once this project is completed, it will give me a worthy purpose of putting the Lil' Giants Const models to work. I've been dreaming of this project for awhile now.

hope the url works:
hi joe,

sounds like a nice new project. will it be mobile like the pic showes it?
Hello Lorenz,

Yes, I will get another flat bed trl kit for this project too.

Does anyone have any ideas of where I might source a fine mesh screened tube from? (about as fine as window screen & made of some kind of metal)
hi joe,

maybe you can use filter elements that is hanging in in the tube where you fill the fuel into the tank. it's close beneeth the cap. do you know what i mean?
Yes I do! Good idea! I look into that. Thanx for tip Lorenz.

Cheers, Joe

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